Roots and Herbs Item ID: #3875

Star Anise

NOW $2.99


Product Information:

Item Description

Star Anise

Star Anise is a star shaped pod from the Illicium Verum plant which is native to Asia. It is an important element both medicinally as well as magically and is used in Witchcraft, Wicca, Magick, Hoodoo, Rootwork, Conjuring and other spiritual and magical traditions.  Luck and Psychic visions are the two magical properties most commonly attributed to the use of Star Anise. Put our knowledge of roots and herbs to work for you. (aprox. 1 oz)

Traditional uses include:

  • Carry with you in a mojo bag to protect from evil and bring luck to your life
  • Burn on charcoal with any divination incense before you sleep to have prophetic dreams

Our Star Anise is gathered using traditional  methods.